ExamDiff Pro(TM) Version 4.5 ExamDiff Pro Copyright 1997-2008 PrestoSoft LLC(TM) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ExamDiff Pro is a powerful yet intuitive and easy to use visual file and directory comparison tool for Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista. If you've been frustrated with other comparison utilities, you will find that ExamDiff Pro offers a much more efficient and user-friendly way to compare files and folders. ExamDiff Pro features a double-pane view that allows for side-by-side comparisons, with customizable color-coding indicating whether each line is added, deleted, or changed. ExamDiff Pro compares files and directories with equal ease, and boasts one of the fastest comparison algorithms of any tool today. ExamDiff Pro offers such advanced features as full Unicode support, word wrapping of long lines, automatic detection of changes in files or folders, drag and drop support, and the ability to preprocess compared files or folders via user-defined plug-ins. The program can also create “snapshots” of directories that can be compared later. Other features of ExamDiff Pro include regular expression filters, manual synchronization, named sessions, and comprehensive Ignore options. =========================================================================== 1. KEY FEATURES 2. DOWNLOAD 3. BUG REPORTS 4. ORDERING INFORMATION 5. PRICING 6. EXAMDIFF PRO (TM) ORDER FORM 7. END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT =========================================================================== --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. KEY FEATURES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Compares text files, binary files, and directories. - Highlights differences down to the level of lines, words or characters. - Customizable syntax highlighting for document types, such as C++, Java, XML, and much more. - Allows editing files within file comparison panes. - Prints and print previews diff reports. - Allows to add manual synchronization points to text file comparison. - Extensive drag and drop support. - Includes full Unicode support. - Allows to ignore whitespace, case, lines and line parts matching a regular expression, multiple column ranges, programming language comments and more. - Allows creating directory snapshots for later comparison. - Performs synchronous and simple word wrapping of long lines. - Remembers a user-specified number of last compared first and second files or directories. - There is no need to specify both filenames -- just enter a directory name for one of the files to be compared. ExamDiff will attempt to use an entered filename with a previously specified directory name for the second file. - Automatically detects file or directory changes and prompts the user to re-compare. - One push re-compare function attempts to leave the viewer's focus in the same place as before the re-compare. - Drag and drop support for dropping one or two files or directories into the program's window (e.g. from Windows Explorer) for comparison. - Allows file or directory comparison from the directory comparison panes with a simple double-click on one of the files or directories to be compared. - Allows the copying, renaming, and deleting files or directories from the directory comparison panes via menu, toolbar buttons, or a right button pop up. Any of these operations is followed by automatic re-synchronization of the compared directories. You can also sort directories in the left or the right pane by name, size, type, or last modification time without losing synchronization. - Easy editing of files. ExamDiff Pro will spawn any editor (configurable by the user) with the file name and caret position options. - Saves the differences in text (standard UNIX DIFF file for file comparison) or HTML file. - Easy navigation through the differences via "Next Difference"/ "Current Difference"/"Previous Difference" buttons and hot keys or via a list box of all the differences. - Allows the copying of text from the file comparison panes via drag and drop, a hot key, or a right button pop up. - Simple "Search" command to search for strings in the comparison panes. It also remembers a user specified number of most recent searches. - Customizable colors. - Fully customizable file name, extension, and/or path filter. For example, the user can choose only .c and .cpp files or any other files he/she chooses to be compared. - Support for name filter sets, and preinstalled filter sets for C++, Delphi, XML, and much more. - Customizable date and size filter for directory comparison. - Tooltips which include file or directory properties (when the mouse cursor is placed over the pane title bars), difference number (when the cursor is over the yellow triangle marking the current difference), and etc. - Adjustable pane splitter with smooth synchronized scrolling. - Allows easy toggling between horizontal and vertical splitter orientation as well as splitter centering and hiding of panes. - Command line support: Usage: ExamDiff [Name1] [Name2] [Options] or ExamDiff /se:Session [Name1] [Name2] or ExamDiff /sf:SessionFile where: Name1, Name2 are names of files or directories to be compared Session is a name of the session to be used for comparison Options are any of the following: /i ignore case /w ignore all white space in lines /b ignore changes in amount of white space in lines /l ignore leading white space in lines /e ignore trailing white space in lines /k ignore blank lines /j:RE ignore lines matching regular expression RE /br briefly report whether files/directories differ /t treat both files as text files /tb treat both files as binary files /d show differences only /q:M set tab size to M characters /s consider files with same size and timestamp identical /ic consider files with same CRC identical /y consider files with different sizes different (even if some ignore options are selected) /u consider files with different attributes different /z consider files with different timestamps different /dc consider files with different CRC values different /dv consider files with different versions different /r0 do not compare subdirectories at all /r1 compare subdirectories only to determine their status /r2 compare subdirectories recursively /fi:filter specify include filter for directory comparison /fx:filter specify exclude filter for directory comparison /f report file differences during directory comparison (used with /o option and with full file comparison, i.e. without any "consider" options) /n don't show initial "Compare" dialog /sd always show initial "Compare" dialog, even if two filenames are used /a:N scroll through all differences with N second delay and exit after the last difference /o:file output diff results into a file 'file' (or to standard output if '-' is specified) and exit /no do not generate output file if no diffs are found /append append to existing output file (used with /o option; default -- replace existing output file) /html output HTML diff report (used with /o option; default -- text diff format; does not work with standard output and/or with /f or /append options) /p[:printer] print diff report to default or specified printer and exit /c print file diffs when printing directory diff report /x read-only mode /g:file load ExamDiff Pro options from an options file /ff force initial file comparison dialog /fd force initial directory comparison dialog /swap swap first and second file/directory /sn1:file use this name when you save the first file /sn2:file use this name when you save the second file /nh do not add files or directories to comparison history /?,/h print this screen Options may be entered before of after names of files or directories. Use // to specify that no more options will be entered in command line. If only /se:Session is specified, session's file/directory names and options will be used, even if some other options are also specified (they will be ignored.) If /se:Session option is specified along with file/directory names, specified names will be used, along with the options from the session (even if other options are specified in command line). If no session is specified, the unnamed default session will be used. If /sf:SessionFile is specified, the session file's file/directory names and options will be used, even if some other options are also specified (they will be ignored.) Options /i, /w, /b, /l, /e, /k, /j, /br, /d, /s, /y, /u, /z, /dc, /dv and /c can be used with "!", in which case the option will be negated (e.g. /!i means do not ignore case). If options /i, /w, /b, /l, /e, /k, /j, /br, /d, /s, /y, /u, /z, /dc, /dv, /c (or their negations), /t, tb, /r0, /r1, /r2, /fi, or /fx are not set, the last used options in the specified or default session remain in effect. Command line options are in effect only for the duration of the current comparison. If the Options Dialog is started, matching command line options will used to initialize the dialog. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. DOWNLOAD --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The latest version of ExamDiff Pro can always be downloaded from http://www.prestosoft.com/ps.asp?page=edp_examdiffpro. Freeware version of ExamDiff Pro is called ExamDiff. It doesn't have all the features of ExamDiff Pro, such as directory comparison. ExamDiff can be downloaded from http://www.prestosoft.com/ps.asp?page=edp_examdiff. ExamDiff is a part of a suite of products that includes FtpVC a tool for FTP based Version Control System. It allows joint software development remotely over the Internet. For the latest version of FtpVC please visit http://www.prestosoft.com/ps.asp?page=fvc_ftpvc. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. BUG REPORTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please send bug reports, new feature requests and comments to: examdiffpro@prestosoft.com or PrestoSoft LLC P.O. Box 3611 Thousand Oaks, CA 91359 Before sending your report please visit ExamDiff Pro web page at http://www.prestosoft.com/ps.asp?page=edp_examdiffpro in order to get the latest version or to read about reported problems. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. ORDERING INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is not free, but is copyrighted software that is provided to allow the user to evaluate it before paying. If the user makes use of this software for any purpose other than evaluation or evaluates it for a longer period than 30 days, then the user must purchase the software. In order to purchase the software you need to send your name (or any name you would like to register the software to) and payment (see options below). When payment is received, you will be e-mailed (if e-mail address is included) or mailed a password necessary to register the software. After getting an e-mail message with your password, follow the registration instructions, which will result in the creation of a password file in the same directory where ExamDiff.exe is located. When run, ExamDiff Pro will use the file to validate your registration. Please do not remove your password file from the ExamDiff Pro directory. Upgrades are free for 12 months since the purchase of ExamDiff Pro. After 12 months passes, you may (1) use the latest of your free upgrades forever, or (2) renew your license for the next 12 months at the current license renewal rate (see ExamDiff Pro Pricing below). To order an upgrade, please e-mail to orders@prestosoft.com with your current registration name and number of licenses you own (you can find this information in the About Box). In return you will be e-mailed instructions on how to purchase an upgrade. If you purchased ExamDiff Pro more than once, and you wish to upgrade all of your separate licenses in one consolidated upgrade, please e-mail all of your registration names along with number of licenses for each registration. There are several ways to purchase ExamDiff Pro: 1. By credit card: Visit ExamDiff Pro Ordering at http://www.prestosoft.com/ps.asp?page=edp_purchase 2. By purchase order PrestoSoft LLC does not process POs directly. Visit ExamDiff Pro Purchase Orders for the ways of ordering ExamDiff Pro via POs at http://www.prestosoft.com/ps.asp?page=edp_po 3. By check, money order, or cash (US dollars only): - Print and fill the order form (see below) - Send the filled order form along with a check, money order, or cash payable to PrestoSoft LLC to P.O. Box 3611 Thousand Oaks, CA 91359 4. By wire transfer: - Please e-mail orders@prestosoft.com to find out bank information necessary to complete wire transfer - Transfer funds - Print and fill the order form - E-mail the filled order form to orders@prestosoft.com or send it to P.O. Box 3611 Thousand Oaks, CA 91359 To check on the status of your order, please contact PrestoSoft LLC directly. The credit card orders are handled by third party registration services. They notify PrestoSoft LLC, and within one business day of your order PrestoSoft LLC will send your password directly to you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. PRICING --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The latest pricing information for ExamDiff Pro can always be found at http://www.prestosoft.com/ps.asp?page=edp_pricing. The password(s) will be sent by e-mail. If you prefer postal mail, please add $5.00. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. EXAMDIFF PRO (TM) ORDER FORM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: __________________________________________ Registration name: __________________________________________ Number of licenses: __________________________________________ Company: __________________________________________ Street Number: __________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________ Country: __________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________ Comments: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- See EULA.TXT file distributed as part of this software package.